Val's Valiant Stand

Valencia or Julia to some people was typing in her bustling house. Her house was bustling with people because it was her brother's party and she wanted no part with this. She just finished deleting formatting on a trollpasta when suddenly a knock on the door had interrupted her, when the knock was delivered, the house went silent.
Scared, she walked over to the door and slowly turned the knob as the person behind the door kicked in the door, pushing Julia onto the floor. When Julia looked up, she saw a man who kicked the door and was wondering who it was but he was already starting to tell Julia his name
"If you're wondering who I am, I am Fatal Disease , you should know me, we have been talking in PMs a lot."
"My name is Fatal, and you spend too much time on TPWC with me."
Realising what was happening, she grabbed the cord to the desktop computer and pulled it, making a little pop. as she did that, Fatal flicked out two twin razor blades and pointed them in a crossed manner over her neck
"Move and you die, your not getting off easy Julie. The admins decided you have been trying to hard to achieve Rollback and we decided to execute you."
Julia ducked her head out of the way of the razors as Fatal swung, she uppercut Fatal in the nuts, as he clenched his balls in pain, Julia ran out of the door and starting trying to yell but she began to grow heavier and sleepier. When she fell over, Fatal walked out and said to Val
"Sleep now, you will be waking up in pain, not because it's night time."
~2 days later~
She opened her eyes groggily as she saw Jacket, Fatal, Godzilla, Someguy and Cassist standing around her.
"Welcome to our torturing chamber, Valencia." Cassist said in a sing-song voice
"LET ME OUT!" Valencia said as she rattled the chains, trying to escape.
Fatal took out his twin razor blades and then, starting swinging at Valencia as she realized why she was here. Valencia took many blows to the razor blades, then everyone pulled out a spiked dildo and as she was dying, they all starting swinging them at her and sticking them up her vagina. She gagged as she felt the pain and just died to stop feeling the pain, it was too much for her and as she died, the admins all laughed. Cassist just stood there and said two words.
"I'm sorry..."